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"and" (r-ta)
- Never stands alone normally
-- Attaches to vowels, s, r, w, and l
---- Written with the runes for "r-ts" when attached to s
-- Never changes proper nouns
---- Only stands alone when a proper noun cannot blend into it

- "sun and moon" -> "kor-trey" (kor r-ta rey)
- "Cor and Rae" -> "Cor-ta Rae" (Cor r-ta Rae)
- "dragon and wolf" -> "drákir-tairo" (dráki r-ta tairo)
- "firedrake and phasma" -> "miir-drákir-tsetati" (miir-dráki r-ta setati)
"of the" (en-ait)
- "of" -> "en", "the" -> "ait"
-- Each can stand alone, but attach to each other
-- Used only for proper titles, which do not ignore romanization

- "god of the sun" -> "Vol en-ait Cor" (vol en ait kor)
"x of y" -> "yx"
- "x of y" in Drakine usually reverts to "yx" when translated
-- When used in names, "yx" is usually a nickname
- Proper nouns and titles either do not revert or are hyphenated
-- Often hyphenated mostly for aesthetics
-- Hyphenated words are translated to fit the context grammatically

- "light of star" -> "irienereí" -> "starlight" (Nickname: "Ereíri")
- "song of Euthora" -> "Euthora-roul" or "roulen Euthora" -> "Euthoran song"
- "song of emptiness" -> "netaiu-roul" -> "empty song"
- "king of [the] sky" -> "kári-tiir", "tiir-kári", or "tiirenkári" -> "skyking"
- Drakine is usually romanized strictly according to a standard rune sheet
-- Names may be romanized differently for aesthetics or to distinguish from the Drakine word itself

- "kor" (sun) vs "Cor" (name of sun god)
- "miir" (fire) vs "Myyr" (name of fire spirit)
- "Zheisún" (direct romanization) vs "Jason" (actual spelling of name)
-- The above is not a Drakine example, but the romanization is how it would be spelled.
- Contractions in Drakine are rare and only occur in longer or more cumbersome phrases
-- Dragons speaking in a non-Drakine language are known for rarely, if ever, using contractions

- "tiri relt kareí" -> "ti'relt kareí" -> "let us go"
- "netaiu-roul" -> "netá'roul" -> "empty song" or "requiem"
"eí" vs "ei"
- "í" is only used in Drakine as "eí"
-- Same sound as "ei", but velarizes /l/, lengthens /r/, and aspirates /d/

- "véredeí" (Voidwalker)
- "teílos" (wind)
- "ereí" (star)
Dipthongs with "u"
- When combined with a or o, always creates the dipthongs "au" or "ou"
- When two u's are placed next to each other, the sound is lengthened
-- same occurs with i

- "félrau"
- "roul"
- "kuu" and "miir"
Makeshift Words
- Drakine words are commonly combined to create a new word of similar meaning
-- These rarely translate properly

- Dracomancer -> "dráki-tiir" (dragon-king)
- Requiem -> "netá'roul" (empty song)
- Lightning flash -> "irisedion" (flash of light in the clouds from lightning; combines "iri", "sedi", and "dion", or "light fly electric")
Corruption From Other Languages
- Drakine words are often combined with other languages to create names or terms

- "tiir" is taken from a Terran dialect, meaning "king" (tyr/tyrant, etc)
- "Corian" adds an English suffix to a Drakine word, creating a word which roughly means "one of the sun"
- "feramuta" combines the shapeshifter's Latin name "Fera Mutat Speciem" to create a word for the species itself
- "fortusi" (lucky) originates from "fortuna" or "fortune"
Drakine Metaphors and Phrases
- Drakine metaphors often involve hypothetical danger, hunting, or the weather
-- Tend to originate from common or crucial situations and instincts

- "sa siir ataii" -> "with exposed throat" (with blind trust or carelessness)
- "rala kelai" -> "good hunting" (an expression to wish someone fortune in their activities)
- "fortusi teílosu" -> "lucky winds" (to wish another fast and safe travels; may also be "winds be at your back")
- "rásst" (lost in translation; an expression of irritation or annoyance)
- "Etati-ait drákia veílot" -> "into the dragon's lair" (into certain danger or high risk)
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