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Put all your weight into your hands and stare into the void.
What do you see?
The void staring back?
You and the void are one and the same, I think.

Put into your hands all your weight and into the void stare.
What do you see?
The void staring back?
You and the void one and the same are, I think.

Dásimféa etati rua siiu nihtir rua zoutour-tait vér satiilféa.
Elean ru dasféá saseiféa?
Ait vér ru satiilsei?
Rur-tait vér vauki tsifézu, ro-ria.

Place into your claws all your weight and the void watch.
What you do observe?
The void you watching?
You and the void identical are, I say.

Place all your weight into your claws and watch the void.
What do you observe?
The void watching you?
You and the void are identical, I say.
One day when you're big and strong, you will be a king

one day when big and strong you are, a king you will be

Vir thel vorel ru tsiféá zutár-ta de'akor, i tiir ru alaira tsiféá!
Can you get me home, or will you lead me to another place?

you home can get me, or you to another place will lead me?

Ru veílot rést seliféá ri, er ru tes ainihr zei alaira néféá ri?

Issues: prepositions, auxiliary verbs, direct/indirect objects
-- Auxiliary verbs paired with other verbs
-- Indirect, then direct objects
-- Prepositional phrases: ?????????
The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.
They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.
Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him;
and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and immediately the traveler took off his cloak.
And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
Fire, rain, and lightning
Warring beasts above the sea
Surely, hope is rising
End of all we will not see

Skies of burning embers
Clouds igniting above me
Peace we'll soon remember
Bring us back to harmony

Fate calls upon the hero
And so it called upon me
Will I fail, in our sorrow,
The role Fate has called for me?

The king no grander in his death
Released from life, all are free
Yet so I wish, with last breath
My song will claim victory

Fire, rain, and lightning
War the dire melody
Surely, hope is rising
The king to quell the enemy

-- The sea is calm, the sky is clear
An end to our war draws near.

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